Saturday, August 26, 2006
Why are we afraid of losing our valuables?
• We love them so much, that we can’t live without them? • Afraid of what other people MIGHT say? • We are so much attached, we feel incomplete without them? • It feels bad, that we worked so hard to have/get them and it would just disappear in just a snap? Why do we feel that way? Life is full of changes, as what they say “NOBODY IS PERMANENT IN THIS WORLD EXCEPT CHANGE”. True, it’s just a matter on how we handle things. We have to embrace all the valuables that we have right now, but be sure that we leave something for us, be ready for all the things that might happen. Life is too short, we never know when will it end, if it’s your time, it’s your time, if its not, then be it. Changes happen every single day. Some might be healthy today, tomorrow they’re not, wealthy today, and tomorrow they’re not, good looking today, soon wrinkles starts to show. Same with LOVE, everybody loves the feeling of being in love. It feels heaven, a butterfly on your stomach, a magic! You can’t see it but you can feel it, it’s indescribable. Love is a feeling that nobody wants to get out of it. Then why are some people afraid to love? Maybe it’s because they do not want to get hurt? Getting hurt is part of love. You’ll never learn until you fall, and you’ll never reach the top unless you’ll start at the bottom. So don’t be afraid! Take a risk! As long as you are happy with what you are doing! Go ahead! Love as if there is no tomorrow, complement each other, if you love criticizing then criticize with love, don’t be angry at the same time, don’t yell at each other even though the relationship is on fire, if someone has to win an argument, let it be your love, never bring up the mistakes of the past, neglect the whole world rather than each other, when you’ve done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for apology. Always have LOVE, CARE and UNDERSTANDING everyday! Loving someone would always have a reason behind it, it might not be the same reason when they started admiring you, but there would always be a reason why that person loves you. Try to complement them every single day, and of course, try to please them the best way you could. Do things that you think can make them happy, but if it turned out to be the other way around, don’t feel bad, you just tried to please him anyway, next time don’t do it again. Hold each others hands every time you have the opportunity. They might be holding somebody else’s hands but not the same way you do. But don’t forget to love yourself, so just in case it might fail, you would still have LOVE for yourself. If you fail a relationship, let it die, don’t die with it. So if you are in love while reading this message! Go tell your love one on what and how you feel!! Heart beats faster every time it hears the magic word ( I LOVE YOU as long as they mean it!)
Thanks for reading! ‘Till then visitors!!!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
3:32 PM ::

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Bothered Paupau
Wuaaaahhhhh!!! Me myself don’t even know the reason why I’m acting strange after I took my leave last Friday. My colleagues says that I’m out of my own self, most them told me that I look so gloomy, unenthusiastic, moody, which is very unusual. Let me try to go back on what had happened those days that I left before I came back to work.
Friday- went to Greenhills to buy ipod- unfortunately; I wasn’t able to have one. I’m confused, since am not ready yet to have an ipod?? Mmmm.. Maybe... Tom bought a couple set of mums, and before he leave, he gave me the other pot(sweet) thanks Tom! ;-) I went home, without anything aside from those mums that tom gave me.
I slept.. woke up at around 9pm.. Watched television went to bed and tuned in to the radio station I always listen to.
Saturday- Woohooo!!! My birthday! I went a notch closer to me death as what they say. It’s Rainy Saturday morning. SMS started coming in to greet me a happy birthday. Thanks for those who remembered my special day, to those who haven’t, the Hell with y’all! Hahaha, kidding. Anyway, it’s already been 12nn high noon when I went to Sta. Lucia to buy some ingredients for my carbonara and buffalo chicken wings. Yummy! I arrived at around 2pm, tired, kinda wet and a bit excited. My aunt will arrive from Italy at around 8pm. So I have to cook. I cooked carbonara, buffalo chicken wings, pinakbet, and my cousin bought shrimps and sweet and sour lapu-lapu ( mouth watering). We had dinner together, had some chit chats, gave us some gifts, watched television and back to bed to have some rest after a long, tiring, and stressful day.
Sunday- Mmmm.. I cooked breakfast, we had sunny side up and skinless longanisa. My cousin called and told us that they will go and visit the house. They will be joining us for lunch. So I cooked the food for lunch. I had tilapia grilled and liempo as well. We’re done with our lunch at around 1:30 pm. After we ate our lunch, i prepared my clothes for a movie date at around 4pm. Furnished. Then after few minutes I received a text from my date that something emergency came up, and we need to cancel it. Damn! I think if I’m not mistaken, we planned this a week ahead right?! Anyway, enough, I know that when somebody hears word EMERGENCY, nothing can stop it, whatever or whoever the hell you are. It’s an EMERGENCY!! DON”T YOU GET IT?!!! Fine! I tried to act as if nothing happened, but I couldn’t, I feel so disappointed and upset. Grrrr.. I suddenly lost my mood. I texted contacted my high school friends, Licelle and Ivy Joy, to have some conversation over a cup of coffee, luckily, Licelle replied and she was in Galleria that time, Whew! Thank God! So I rushed myself and went to the mall as fast as I could. When I reached the place, they were still attending the mass. I walked around and I spotted this shirt with print FYOU! Nice! So I took it, just a gift for myself on my birthday. Poor boy. Anyway, I met Licelle and her friend at, lower ground floor of the mall, beside Gold’s gym. So after, we agreed to have coffee at Gloria jeans, upon entering the bar, Liz’s friend suggested if we could just have coffee at metro walk. And after, we could also have our dinner there and have some bottle of beers. Great idea! Why not?! So we waited for a cab, and took a ride. We had coffee, took a sip, smoke, and a lot of conversation. After which, we went to the Baratillo part of metro walk, I spent almost a thousand bucks just for the DVD. Grrrrr.. I can’t even imagine, I hardly even spend a thousand for my shirt, how come when it comes to this pirated DVDs, I spent almost a thousand?! Since when did I become an addict watching DVDs? Damn!! I think I’m sick seeking for something I never had before.. and I don’t even know what it was! But.. I don’t know.. I really don’t know. All I know is that I can spend the whole weekend watching all these DVDs I bought without standing, not even to blink an eye, not eating, not even going to the comfort room and whatsoever blah blah blah… whew! After we bought DVD, we went to Yahoo to fill in these empty stomachs. We we’re having barbeque chicken and pork. Yummy, before we finish our plates, we saw Keana Reeves heading to Yahoo. Shala! With all the Pas and everything!!! Anyway, after we had our dinner, we went to Dencio’s to have a couple bottle of beers while waiting for the rain to stop, just enough before we throw ourselves to bed. I arrived at around 11 o’clock, sleepy, yet so excited to watch all the DVDs I bought. I tried watching but my eyes are falling off their sights, I can’t resist. I turned off that player and cuddle the pillow on the sofa. Then I started dreaming.. I woke up at around 8:30 the next day. Monday. Wheew! Brand new day, brand new challenges, brand new life to deal with. I can’t imagine that I am already 24? At my age? What have I done? Did I do good for the past few years of my existence? Did I make someone happy? Have I touched somebody else’s life? Now, I’m starting to figure out why am I living in this world. In a world where all living creatures has a purpose. Oh yeah? How come I don’t know mine?
I think that’s ONE of the reason why I’m acting strange.. but the main reason why?? Check my blog from time to time…
Nyahahaha! Ciao!!!
Till then visitors!!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
1:39 PM ::

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Thursday, August 03, 2006
August 3, 2006 a couple more days before my birthday!
August 3, 2006
2 am. Thursday! End of shift for Wednesday shift. I did my errands before I left the office, went to the basement and have some breathing exercise. Then I saw Sarah, our previous QA went here to fetch his boo which happened to be one my agents.” Hi Hello! How are you?!” I was supposed to go home right after two sticks of Marlboro when she invited to go somewhere else and have some bottle of beers. I really don’t wanna drink that time coz am not feeling well. I made a deal: I will go with you but let’s just eat some kebab, I really don’t want to drink. So we went to Q. Ave and ate Persian burger and have a yoghurt shake. Yummy! After we finish our food, waited for a cab and they went to Timog for some bottle of beers, I didn’t go with them. They dropped me at Tomas Morato and waited for a cab and had my way home. I arrived at around 4:30am. I opened the television, clicked on the remote control and then I started yawning. I turned the TV off. Closed my eyes, cuddle my pillow and I fell asleep. 8 am, I found myself in the sofa, so I transferred to my bed and back on dreaming. “walking away downtown…” my alarm clock! I need to wake up.
I left my abode at around 5:45, I left a bit earlier than yesterday so I won’t be late unfortunately, when I reached Tropical where I was supposed to get a ride bound to Sandigan,(by the way, our office is located somewhere in Quezon City. when I suddenly remember the book my colleagues were talking about. ‘Twas a book called “tutubi tutubi wag kang pahuhuli sa mamang salbahe by: Jun Cruz Reyes, so I went to National Bookstore to buy it, when I came in and started looking for it, damn! I can’t find it! (Really hard if you’re not a bookstore rat) it’s taking my time, 20 minutes had passed and yet I haven’t found the book I was looking for. I even asked the saleslady if they have it, she just shrugged her shoulders at me. Hay… lingering, I saw Jessica Zafra’s books, the last time I read her book(TWISTED) was when I was still in college, if I’m not mistaken second year college that time. I was kinda frustrated when I didn’t find the book I was looking for, due to frustrations, I bought Jessica Zafra’s TWISTED FLICKS.
Running to the terminal, took the fx and left at around 6:15 I started reading miss Z’s book and I found out that it was about movie reviews, SHOOT! I should have bought this book before I watched the movie “MATCH POINT” hehe.. The movie I watched yesterday, remember?! It’s getting dark so I stopped browsing the book.
6:45 “pull over!” I went down from the fx rushing to cross the street coz I still need to take one more ride before I reach the office. I rode a jeep, pay my fare and wait till it reaches the JOCFER building.
Running down from the jeepney, rushing to the elevator, pressed the 6th floor “Ding Dong!” I went out fast as if I couldn’t wait for the elevator to open! I looked up to the clock!!! Geez!!! It’s 6:57!!! Hahaha! I wasn’t late!!!! Woohoo!!!!
Whew! I’m almost late! I arrived in the office at around 6:57! Whew! Ice breaker!
Guys in the pantry are waiting for me for the seat plan. Guys! It’s time already! Seat plan is the same as yesterday
I ran to my pc to open my computer, opened my mail and check the seat plan! There you go! Just on time! Whew!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
5:41 AM ::

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
August 2, 2006
August 2, 2006 Wednesday.. 6am we ended the Tuesday shift. Before I went home we had a meeting about dividing the team into two, one team would go for 6pm to 2 am while the other is having the usual shift, which is 10pm to 6am. Just to check the trends on how well they perform depending on the time zones.
We had draw-lots on who’s going to be the members who would come in at 6 and 10. And of course who will handle those people. I prefer to come in at 6pm, coz it’s been quite a while since I had my last Gimmick. Party all night long, Drink all night and expect for a headache the next day. I miss the nightlife. November 2006 was the last
At around 6:15, I got off the call floor went to the basement and do some breathing exercise.. hahaha you know what I mean.. Yosi break!!! Wooohoo!!! Right after I finished my stick, I went home right away, very excited to watch the DVD I borrowed “MATCH POINT” tragic movie.
A one-time tennis pro, Chris Wilton (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) was used to falling just short in his life. But when he befriends Tom Hewett (Matthew Goode) and marries his sister, Chloe (Emily Mortimer), the doors are opened to the kind of money and success that Chris had once only dreamed of having. Chris should have settled for happiness, but he is torn by his attraction to Tom's impossibly beautiful and sensual fiancée, Nola Rice (Scarlett Johansson). The attraction turns to an obsession that forces Chris to make a critical choice. Now everything in his life hinges on whether or not Chris falls short again...and if his luck runs out.
I ate chips for breakfast. wala akong ganang kumain.. I’m so sick and tired of living with this flab!!! How will I get rid of this?? Go to gym and do some workout? Nah... I don’t have time and am lazy enough to go to those freaking gyms!
Anyway, enough of the flab talk. I went to bed at around 10 am to to sleep pero di ako makatulog.. ang daming bagay na pumapasok sa isip ko. I think I fell asleep at around 1 pm and I have to wake up at around 3 to prepare all the stuff that I need. “walking away downtown….” My alarm clock is ringing, it’s already 3 in the afternoon, I need to get off my feet and do my errands, I ate chicken, and thereafter do some breathing exercise before I went to the bathroom. I left my abode ‘round 4:45, need to be in the office before the shift starts. I need to arrange the seat plan for our shift. Meet them before they call rrringggg! 6 pm! “Guys! Seat plan !!” Start na ng shift.. Monitor, I need to know on how they’re doing with the new shift. Everything seems to be okay, they had 4 surveys 7-8.. good! 9pm, lunch break, went down stairs and do some breathing exercise again, 2 sticks. Whew! After the break, 10-6 batch arriving 1 by 1 asking how our shift is doing. With a big smile, “We’re doing great!” we already had 6 before the break which looks fine compared to yesterday’s production. I mean, it’s a good start. Sat down, faced my PC, checked my mail, and checked who’s online. Let’s have some chit-chat… Hahaha!!!
12pm: YOSI BREAK..
Posted by -Paulo- ::
9:49 AM ::

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