Thursday, January 17, 2008
Whoa!!!! wait wait wait....
I never how to start…
Let me glance back to the things happened to me last year…
Most of my dreams last year came true.. let me enumerate them 1.) I was able to watch this concert that I was dying to see! Beyonce Experience is such an experience. 2) I was able to go to Boracay which I though I will never visit.. ( I already have my plane ticket and will go back this coming April.. hahahaha..) I never really enjoyed the first time we went there, we didn’t had enough time to cruise that Paradise, I never had my camera then, but now, I am equipped, and we’ll stay there for 5 days! Hhhmmmm…
3) I bought my dream camera. I’ve been in love with photography lately, I studied the basic online and now, I am starting to apply what I have learned, and Photography is my new Hobby now. I almost failed to have that camera, I e-mailed my cousin to buy one for me, and she hollered back saying that there was no stock, so she need to buy it online, and if she does, she will never be there by the time it will be shipped coz I just sent her an email a week before she will leave. After a couple of days, she replied that she already bought the camera for me! Whoa!! I can not believe it! After all!!!!
4) I was promoted as a supervisor. After all the hardwork I went through, it paid off. But still, im still in a probationary..
That’s it I think?
Oh before I forget, my Bebe gave me 212 EDT! I never had a chance to buy one after the last bottle I consumed. Thank you
Last quarter of the year was the busiest time for me, I never get the chance to watch TV, not even listen to my favorite radio, not even visit the malls.. but before the year ends, I did shopping, watched movies, and ate food that I crave.. Last year was a BLAST I must say.. but??? What’s in-store for me this year? I would never expect, so might not get frustrated..
But for this year, here are my goals:
1.) Update my mobile unit: I’ve been short tempered when I see this warning from my phone that the 95% messages full!! Darn! It was just a hundred messages and it’s already full! I can not delete those messages coz I need them! (FYI, those are not quotes yeah?!) 2.) I need to have an ipod. Hahaha! I know, I know, its been quite some time since the ipod was released and yet I never had one, coz before, I find it as a luxury, and now, I think I need it. Traveling, listening over the favorite station of the driver sucks! Nakaka bobo! ( Sorry for the term), I don’t have a choice, if only I could tell my ears not to listen, I will.. but then again, im still having a second thought kung kailangan ko ba talaga yun o hindi.. hhhmm… 3.) Visit Palawan this year 4.) More trips, more fun
‘Till then!!!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
5:07 AM ::

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