Monday, October 16, 2006
Together again…
Its been like 2 or 3 years since the last time I was with them, my college friends. We actually met thru common friends, introduced with each other and how funny that we get along more often than those of my friends who introduced us with each other. Gimbals, cactus, Nevada square, out of towns, beaches, night outs… I’ve been with them for almost 3 years in Baguio, after the graduation, we parted ways and lived our different lives.
After 2-3 years, somebody missed me a call.. I texted her asking how is she doing, then jolted with her reply telling me that three of our friends from Baguio will come to town to visit us. I was surprised! She planned that we’ll be having an overnight this weekend, somewhere in Puerto Galera… even though I just got there last month, due to my request, we ended up in Tagaytay. Hehehe thanks for the consideration Jo.
After Friday shift (Saturday morning), before going to galera, my bebe asked me if we could have breakfast together before I go to Tagaytay, and have a couple bottles of beer. After then, I went home, packed my bag, and went to Tagaytay. I reached the place at around 8 o’clock, they fetch me after VIDEO-OKE fever concert. We went to our cottege, take a rest for a few minutes, threw some updates. After which, we went to Leslie’s, a cozy and nice restaurant overlooking the taal lake. We had our dinner together, heavy dinner. Hehehehe. While eating, we happened to hear the band playing at the restaurant right next to us. After we had our dinner, picture taking, picture,picture and picture… we went to Café Lupe, the resto bar right next to Leslie’s. we had bottle of beers together with the inviting groovy songs played by the band. I enjoy being with my friends after such a long time. But I think it would be much happier if my bebe was with me. ~sigh~

I missed you guys! hope we could do this more often...
Posted by -Paulo- ::
10:05 AM ::

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