Saturday, September 09, 2006
"I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would be not one cheerful face on earth. Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell. I awfully forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible. I must die or be better it appears to me." --Abraham Lincoln
It is common for people to speak of how "depressed" they are. However, the occasional sadness everyone feels due to life's disappointments is very different from the serious illness caused by a brain disorder. Depression profoundly impairs the ability to function in everyday situations by affecting moods, thoughts, behaviors, and physical well-being.
People have different set of moods, attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors. Dealing with people varies depending on how they act and react. One has to learn on how to deal with them the right way, if treated them otherwise, it might into a bad feeling called depression.
Depression can lead into something worst than what you expect.
I am depressed…
Lots of thoughts coming through my mind, colliding, don’t know what to prioritize… Lots of things I would like to do, yet, they are not materializing. Why? Coz i depend on the people I am bounded with. Friends…They are my happiness. I feel like I can’t leave without them. I am attached with those people who I spend the happiest moment of my life. My friends… Real Friends, people I rely to whenever I have problems, always there the support me when trials comes my way. Friends who are willing to break all the barriers just to be with you when you need them the most… friends became my inspiration, friends that you can’t trust. Reel friends are bummers… The hell with them! Backstabbers
I love being alone sometimes, especially when I am under the cradle of nature.. I love the serenity, the wind blowing my worries away, the sea that washes away my tears, and the earth where I burry all the bad memories of the past. I want to escape the noise, busy, fast paced lifestyle of the urban living. I need a break… I am tired… I am withered… I need to find myself… I need to bring back the real Paulo, The Enthusiastic Paulo, the motivated Paulo, The focused Paulo, the Confident Paulo.. This is not me.. This is not the real Paulo that everybody knew.. he’s different… very different…
Let me hide to my haven for a short while.. and be ready for my new Paulo…
Posted by -Paulo- ::
12:52 PM ::

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