Friday, June 02, 2006
Beat the Blues for a Better You
 Beat the Blues for a Better You
Turn that Frown Upside-down Do you know that there is one exercise you can perform right now, no matter where you are, that may decrease your risk of a heart attack? This exercise doesn't require you to lift weights, hire a trainer or even go near a gym. What could it possibly be? Simple: it's called smiling.
You don't have to be a fitness expert to smile. All you need is the right attitude to lead a healthy and happy life.
Beat the blues It may sometimes seem easy to let the blues set in, taking the excitement from your day. This unhealthy attitude can hurt you in the long run.
There is no need to ever get down on yourself. As long as you learn from your mistakes, you can concentrate on the future.
Keep in mind that if you let the pressures of everyday life get to you, you are hurting your health along with your happiness.
Mood magic Results of a 27-year study at Duke University Medical Center show that individuals with long-lasting depressive symptoms have a 70% higher risk of heart attack than those who are usually cheerful.
Remember this statistic the next time you find a frown on your face. Although you may not have long-lasting depressive symptoms, you want to avoid falling into the pattern of feeling down. Refuse to let a mood dictate your happiness.
Proactive pampering Ever notice that when you feel a little down, you tend to pamper yourself? You give in to your craving for whatever your weakness may be. And that weakness is usually bad for your body - chocolate, cigarettes, and alcohol. Doctors believe that this may be one of the ways in which depressive symptoms contribute to your body's decreased health.
You can still indulge yourself when you feel blue, but you don't Have to hurt yourself. Take a soothing bath or get a massage the next time you need a break.
How does it all work? By understanding your psyche A little better, it's easy to see how A blue mood can really hurt your Health. But how can you shake that feeling? It's simple with a few easy guidelines:
Exercise, exercise, exercise-it relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and makes you feel great about your body. Meditation or some other form of stress relieving technique-they is simple to do, even at the office. And they provide a mini-break from your day. If you feel you are suffering from clinical ongoing depression that hinders your relationships with others, consult a doctor regarding therapy. Feeling down is nothing to be ashamed of or get stressed about. A little healthy self-indulgence in what makes you feel better is good at times. Just remember that you can turn your life around by beating the blues with a smile.
Posted by -Paulo- ::
8:35 AM ::

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