Saturday, August 26, 2006
Why are we afraid of losing our valuables?
• We love them so much, that we can’t live without them? • Afraid of what other people MIGHT say? • We are so much attached, we feel incomplete without them? • It feels bad, that we worked so hard to have/get them and it would just disappear in just a snap? Why do we feel that way? Life is full of changes, as what they say “NOBODY IS PERMANENT IN THIS WORLD EXCEPT CHANGE”. True, it’s just a matter on how we handle things. We have to embrace all the valuables that we have right now, but be sure that we leave something for us, be ready for all the things that might happen. Life is too short, we never know when will it end, if it’s your time, it’s your time, if its not, then be it. Changes happen every single day. Some might be healthy today, tomorrow they’re not, wealthy today, and tomorrow they’re not, good looking today, soon wrinkles starts to show. Same with LOVE, everybody loves the feeling of being in love. It feels heaven, a butterfly on your stomach, a magic! You can’t see it but you can feel it, it’s indescribable. Love is a feeling that nobody wants to get out of it. Then why are some people afraid to love? Maybe it’s because they do not want to get hurt? Getting hurt is part of love. You’ll never learn until you fall, and you’ll never reach the top unless you’ll start at the bottom. So don’t be afraid! Take a risk! As long as you are happy with what you are doing! Go ahead! Love as if there is no tomorrow, complement each other, if you love criticizing then criticize with love, don’t be angry at the same time, don’t yell at each other even though the relationship is on fire, if someone has to win an argument, let it be your love, never bring up the mistakes of the past, neglect the whole world rather than each other, when you’ve done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for apology. Always have LOVE, CARE and UNDERSTANDING everyday! Loving someone would always have a reason behind it, it might not be the same reason when they started admiring you, but there would always be a reason why that person loves you. Try to complement them every single day, and of course, try to please them the best way you could. Do things that you think can make them happy, but if it turned out to be the other way around, don’t feel bad, you just tried to please him anyway, next time don’t do it again. Hold each others hands every time you have the opportunity. They might be holding somebody else’s hands but not the same way you do. But don’t forget to love yourself, so just in case it might fail, you would still have LOVE for yourself. If you fail a relationship, let it die, don’t die with it. So if you are in love while reading this message! Go tell your love one on what and how you feel!! Heart beats faster every time it hears the magic word ( I LOVE YOU as long as they mean it!)
Thanks for reading! ‘Till then visitors!!!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
3:32 PM ::

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