Saturday, September 09, 2006

This was the mums that was given to me... For just a month.. it was already withered..
Thursday, ‘twas my bebe’s birthday, I didn’t see him for some reasons. Sad, but I can’t do anything about it. It’s my choice; I entered this relationship so I have to accept all the consequences though it’s hard. I love my bebe so much. I am willing to do everything just to keep our relationship. You must be wondering what kind of relationship I have. Well, it’s kind of bit complicated but this usually happens, it’s just not all of us are aware of it but it does happens. And if you found out that kind of relationship we have, you might curse me! Well, do anything what you want to do, say all that you want to say but I don’t a give a damn! I’m happy with it, it’s my choice, I know where I stand so no regrets at all. Friday, our day, we decided to make Friday as our day, breakfast, rest, malling, movie, dinner, and then office our usual stuff. Friday, I went home tired, I haven’t got enough sleep, I went to the office an hour before our shift to prepare all the things that we need for the recognition, then the usual shift, then after our shift, we had our recognition and it lasted for two hours. It was already past ten when I finally got home, teary eyed due to the sun’s brightest light. Went to bed at around ten thirty and yet I can’t sleep; I continued the book that I was reading (MASTER OF THE GAME by SIDNEY SHELDON), flipping the pages… Then finally my eyes are getting heavy. When I was about to start dreaming, my grandma woke me up coz the people arrived to furnish the cabinet that my aunt just bought. My cousin arrived at around one, so I let him man the workers so I could sleep even just and hour before my date. I woke up at around two in the afternoon; I received a message from him to move out date for an hour. He finally arrived. We decided to watch a movie, then dinner after. we’ll this Friday, I don’t know what have he eaten but he accompanied me to my work place, sweet, it was the first time in my entire life to have my boo accompany me from galleria to commonwealth avenue! Whoa! I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world! I know it usually happens but not in my case. Then after, took my bebe’s trip from Commonwealth Avenue all the way to Cavite, I know its quite a bit far, but he insisted to drop me off to my work place. I was so worried for him, I make sure he replies to my SMS before he reached his abode.. Finally, 12MN, I received his message informing me that he finally reached his destination after that two-hour trip. Thank god!
Whoaaaaa!!!! How time flies.. It’s been like a month since I met this guy, and now, we came back to where we started... As friends, well, maybe we’re good in friends but bad in intimacy. He finally broke the silence, the silence that I’ve been anticipating. After having his long weekend due to holiday, Monday, he finally decided to stop the crap that we had. We really find hard time seeing each other that often, I try to endeavor every time we have to meet, but I can’t see any effort on his part. I felt like I’ve been taken for granted. We’ll, every time I remember that scenario, when I was supposed to take a picture of this agent being recognized, when everybody starts teasing us, and all I said to shun them up was” well… I’m taken”… it’s only now I realized that… yes I am, I am taken.. TAKEN for granted… sad to say, but i think, I really am taken for granted… Pathetic Paulo… We’ll. I finally told this guy, if we could just go back to where we started, as friends, and so we agreed. ~sigh~
I really do not know what have I done before… why is this happening to me? I’ve been being honest every time I enter a relationship but it seems like it does not work… I really can’t figure it out. If only one could tell me why, I would truly appreciate it…
Please tell me why… I don’t have an idea…
Posted by -Paulo- ::
8:36 AM ::

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