Saturday, September 16, 2006
Imagine yourself working 6 days a week, 11 hours a day. Who wouldn’t get tired of it?
Whew! Deadline is fast approaching and yet this project ruined my social life. Submerging oneself into work? I am not a hero, I am not a diva. I get tired, I can feel stress and I want to take a rest. Sleeping four hours everyday is not enough to gain more energy for everyday vim… I can’t even finish the book that I have started reading… poor…
Having a hectic schedule such mine will find no time to indulge him into an out of town trip;but me??? nah.. I will still find a time for me to unwind. Do I have a choice? I have to… I have to function well, or else… urghhh…
Sunday after shift, I went to Tagaytay just to eschew this busy urban living just for a few hours. Not enough to cast all the feelings and thoughts that I’ve lost… Anyhow…

Feels great!!!!!!
Then after, I am ready to combat again... Not enough to say that I felt good after I went there but it really helped. Yes it does…
Come Monday, I feel a bit refreshed, ready to combat with all the challenges I have in life… some murky thoughts were bit enlightened…
Sometimes, I feel like giving up, my threshold of temper is getting low, I feel like getting angry on the little wrong things that they’ve done. I feel like my patience is getting short. And I know it’s not me… aging? Would that be of the reason why? Who knows? Nyahahaha
September 19, 2006, Deadline of Sara Lee. Every single day I’m getting busier, enervating days. I am really looking forward on the 20th of September. Going to work the way I used to. Fresh, with a smile on my face which everybody noticed when it’s suddenly fading away, composed, confident, radiant, confident…
Posted by -Paulo- ::
11:01 AM ::

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