Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Let's Play A Game
Read a group of simple words aloud, like "ASK RUDE ARRIVE HER". Do you "hear" the answer? Try saying them again. Sound familiar? Quick, the timer's tickin'. Did you hear yourself say "A Screwdriver"?! You and your teammates have 30 seconds to sound out three puzzles. Guess right and snatch that card! Miss it and the other team can steal the point! O.K., the timer is set, the card flipper is loaded, and everyone's ready for a laugh riot! Just remember, that when it comes to scoring points in MAD GAB... "It's Not What You SAY, It's What You HEAR!"
Wheel Yum Air Ream He Eye Needle Ax Eight If Abe high hollow cheat each her Abe who beat wrap Hit Seven Cent Wide hidden juke all Know Whiff Fans Herb Huts Abe hum pen thin height Amen Ask Hurt Aisle me chew have weigh WIDE HIDDEN CHEWS HAZE HOE Cry Muffin Owe Cents Huff Oral Heave Glow Fur Thou Sundial Undress Sing around Dove Apple Laws Thief lower duck ease Stub her neigh same yule up racked hick gulch oak Ice Mail Ask Hunk Know Ozark Day Leo Fur Rings Plea stake arrow fit Owe verb herring Uppers enough heist hand herds Will saw Rim Ocean Gasp hype line Lie turf Lou hid Weedy surf twin Koala deep rod ducks Abe odd hull luck oak Dawn turnip yearn hose Up ape herbal eight Canoes he wad ice he Hit Sewn Leed Ember Hairy Knots Hole Dens Tores Sea Grit Dress Up Ease Rye doubt these dorm Eye pillow fizz sign Pill Are Offs Halt Eight Weeds Hoot Crate Boss Huff Higher Deep Lays Wasp Act Might Hung Waste Hide Hit Say How Sold Whirred Aisle luvy pin yawns
Have fun! :)
Post your answrers!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
3:35 PM ::

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