Saturday, March 31, 2007
April fool’s day
I started the day watching 300, one of the most fascinating movies I’ve ever watched, best picture. I actually counted if they’re really 300, but they are not, 127 lang sila. Hahaha, kidding. Nice movie.. whhoooo whhooooo!!! I also noticed that Xerxes’ fake eyebrows; he used eyeliner for his brows. And that made me wonder that early ages, third sex do exists, check out the movie Alexander. With all those beef cake warriors, with all that “pandesal midsection”, I wouldn’t be shocked if they really do. Go Spartans! I won’t go into the details, this is a must see movie, go grab a copy now!
Movie Marathon, Next, The Prestige, I wasn’t able to finish the movie, I found myself sleeping on the couch. I got bored, so I played Pursuit of HappYness, Will Smith (who played the role of Chris Gardner) the main character of this movie. Nice movie, if you want something, don’t lose hope, stay focus and determined, and you can have what you want. Despite all of the hardships, the test and all, he stood still and never gave up. Hats off Mr. Gardner, I salute you.
As far as I know, as of this hour, nobody dared to fool me. We’ll if you do have plans, better back off, or be one of the soldiers killed, piled up and used as a gate to funnel the numbered enemies who attempted to destroy and kill the Spartans. Go Leonidas!
Posted by -Paulo- ::
11:49 PM ::

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