Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Life is beautiful
Many people tend to whine on how cruel life is, but they just don’t know how beautiful life is. They stay most of their life on the murky side. They never tried to look it on the bright side. Reality speaking, nobody gets contented on what they have, everybody have wants, we never run out of them. Maybe we should learn how to appreciate what we have right now, it might not last forever but at least we experienced having them. Sometimes we really don’t see their worth unless they’re gone. Be contented on what we have but never stop aiming for better. Life is beautiful! Try to walk alone and feel the air slapping thru your face, try to watch the sun as it sets, it really feels great. Life is full of challenges and those challenges will make you a better person. Stay strong, remember that we are not alone… nobody is alone… somebody cares; you just need to feel that you are being taken care of. You will never feel it unless you convince yourself that you can feel it. Don’ resist, learn to accept.
Posted by -Paulo- ::
11:01 AM ::

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