Friday, March 02, 2007
Never fight with a person who never accepts defeat!
I watched this movie way back, I forgot the title; there was this lady amateur boxer who fought a champion. The amateur boxer was about to win, when the other team called for a time out, as this amateur boxer turns her back to take a rest on her corner, she was hit on her head, she was blocked out. The next thing she woke up, she found her self on the hospital bed, gasping air with the help of apparatus around her, she can’t stand, she can’t move, she even hardly speaks. It was a hell for her! Her father took her home and have her medicated in their own place, all the money she earned from her previous games were all gone. Just because of that title, just because of that fame, because of the pride…
Posted by -Paulo- ::
8:18 AM ::

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